Let The Dance Begin

Empieza el baile

Marina Seresesky

Marina Seresesky

Federico Rivarés

Irene Blecua

Nicolás Gerschberg

Meridional Producciones, El Gatoverde, Áralan Films, Oeste Films (AR), Habitacion 1520 Producciones (AR), Patagonik Film Group (AR), Reina de Pike (AR), Sur Films (AR)

Darío Grandinetti, Mercedes Morán, Jorge Marrale, Pastora Vega, Agostina Pozzi, Lautaro Zera, Marcelo Xicarts


Argentina, Spain

99 min.


Let The Dance Begin

Empieza el baile

Three decades ago, Carlos and Margarita reigned as the world's most celebrated tango couple. Today, Carlos enjoys a second chance in Madrid, while Margarita lives in Buenos Aires, cloaked in solitude and obscurity. A sudden event compels the former partners to reunite, embarking on a journey through Argentina alongside their old friend, Pichuquito. This road trip forces them to confront their memories, fears, and, most importantly, their true desires.

"Empieza el baile" is a film that seamlessly balances tenderness with bitterness, occasionally laced with dark humor to soften its introspective core. It made its mark in the official selection of the 26th Málaga Film Festival, earning recognition through two awards: the Audience's Choice Award and Best Supporting Actor for Jorge Marrale.

New waves

Marina Seresesky
Buenos Aires Argentina 1969
Director, screenwriter

Marina Seresesky is a feature film director and screenwriter (Buenos Aires) living in Spain. Her short films «El Cortejo» and «La Boda» have won more than 150 awards in Spain and abroad, and were nominated for the Goya Award for Best Short Film.

In 2012 his documentary «Madres, 0’15 el Minuto», was awarded the Biznaga prize at the Malaga Film Festival. His first feature film, «La Puerta Abierta» (2017) received two Goya nominations, as well as more than 25 awards from festivals around the world.

Likewise, his latest film «Empieza el Baile» (2023) has been awarded two Silver Biznagas at Festival de Málaga.

◊ La puerta abierta (The Open Door, 2016) ◊ Lo nunca visto (A Remarkable Tale, 2019) ◊ Empieza el baile (Let The Dance Begin, 2023)

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